Everyone needs a little help when they first come to Morada. Most times, you can find other tourists who are perfectly willing to help you out and give you DIRections if you get lost. You can also call upon the divine ASSISTance of the Game Masters and Hosts, or run down to the Tourist Information Center and have a word with the Island Guides. I have included some references to help you along. The condensed help files were ones I had put together a long long time ago, but have revised since. The Island Guides Page is a little insight into their world. Hopefully both will help you out well enough to get by on the island when you visit.
Also, head back to the links page if you are in need of maps. Snake Silvertongue's site, and Aubrey's site both have wonderful maps you can use to learn to get around the island. Home | About | News | Links | Help | Gallery | Stats | Loves | Spirit | People | E-mail |